Mineral composition of plants <i>Salvia verticillata</i> L. and <i>Salvia patens</i> Cav.





Salvia, variety, macro- and macroelements


Purpose. The purpose of the study was to investigate mineral composition of new varieties of plants Salvia verticillata L. ‘Musketeer’ and S. patens Сav. ‘Maestro’ selected by Gryshko National Botanical Gardens of NAS of Ukraine in order to determine the suitability of their use in the food and pharmaceutical industries of Ukraine.

Methods. X-ray fluorescence method was applied for determining the elemental composition of plant tissues.

Results. Mineral elements content in the soil, grass and roots of plants S. verticillata L. and S. patens Сav., are given in the phases of regrowth, budding and flowering. Ability to accumulate elements in the soil, grass and roots was presented. It was established that the aboveground part of the plants contains all 5 of the most important elements in the plants – K, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn. The rather high content of mesoelements Ca and S were determined. Plants need them in more significant amounts than trace elements. The toxic and potentially toxic elements Pb, Sr and Zr were determined in plants. It has been revealed that despite the high concentration of Si in the soil, this element gets into the plants in insignificant quantities. Other elements on the contrary were accumulated in grass (Mn, K, Sr). The dynamics of elements accumulation and distribution in the soil-roots-grass system (Fe, Pb, Na, P, Al, Mg, Cu) were demonstrated. In the leaves of S. verticillata elements were determined and arranged according to the gradient of accumulation in the following order: K>Ca>Si>Mg>Fe>P>Na>Al>Zn>Mn>Cu, and in S. pa­tens – K>Si>Ca>Mg>P>Fe>Na>Al>Zn>Mn>Sr>Cu. The content of technogenic elements of Zn and Pb in the plants was determined within the limits of the MPC requirements for plant raw materials and food.

Conclusion. For the first time in the conditions of introduction in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, for the varieties of species S. verticillata and S. patens, the content of macro- and microelements was determined, which are directly related to biologically active compounds. The features of their cumulativeness du­ring transportation in the system soil-roots-leaves, as well as the dependence of their content on the phase of plant development, were clarified. Trace elements Pb, Ni, Mo, Co, Cd, As and Hg were found in insignificant amounts harmless to the human body. The obtained results can be used in the chemotaxonomy of the genus Salvia, in assessing and comparing the quality of fresh and dry sage plant raw materials, further studying the pharmacological properties of these plants and use of them in medicine and food industry. The obtained data have of both scientific and practical importance for the selection of economically valuable species, in the breeding of new varieties and enrichment of the flora of Ukraine.


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Author Biographies

О. А. Корабльова, M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden, NAS of Ukraine

Olga Korablova

Д. Б. Рахметов, M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences

Jamal Rakhmetov

Н. Е. Фролова, National University of Food Technologies

Natalia Frolova

О. М. Вергун, M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden, NAS of Ukraine

Olena Vergun

О. М. Семенченко, LLC “ESENSIT”

Olga Semenchenko


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How to Cite

Корабльова, О. А., Рахметов, Д. Б., Фролова, Н. Е., Вергун, О. М., & Семенченко, О. М. (2018). Mineral composition of plants &lt;i&gt;Salvia verticillata&lt;/i&gt; L. and &lt;i&gt;Salvia patens&lt;/i&gt; Cav. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 14(4), 382–389. https://doi.org/10.21498/2518-1017.14.4.2018.151901

